Our Technology

MSENG is active in various fields such as school modular frames, power generation facilities, and steel business based on the production of construction equipment and external parts with Hyundai Doosan Infracore.



Company Name: MSE Engineering Co., Ltd. Main Contact: +82-63-466-9225 | Fax: +82-63-467-9225 | Email: mseng601@daum.net Business Registration Number: 462-87-02060 | CEO: Jong-yun Seo Head Office: 319, Saemangeumsandan 3-ro, Gunsan-si, Jeollabuk-do Special Self-Governing Province, Republic of Korea

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"Stay updated with the latest news from MSE Engineering Co., Ltd."


Tel. 063-466-9225
Fax. 063-467-9225
E-mail. mseng601@daum.net
Addr. 전북특별자치도 군산시 새만금산단3로319(오식도동)

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